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Echo of that war
… January 12, 1944 the crew of the plane IL 2 with younger lieutenant G.А.


Fedirko and air shot sergeant I.А. Rilov took off in the structure of group of six

planes IL 2 with covering of four YAК-7 to make the battle task to destroy both alive force and technics of the opponent.

At the moment of their exit to the purpose the group was met by 4 fighters of the opponent VF-190. The air fight started .

The planes of Fedirko and his conducted were shot down. Fedirko was fatally wounded, but being in memory, the pilot switched off the engine. Probably, he wanted to make the compelled landing. The devices on the board of management speak about it.

Only some hundreds meters the pilot didn't not hold on up to the field, where he could land the machine. In steep peak the plane ran into the ground. Nobody from the structure of the group carrying out the task of the air attack, place of fall of Fedirko's plane did not observe. And consequently the crew was considered as disappeared without the message.

Younger lieutenant Fedirko Grigoriy Akimovich, 1920 year of birth, member of VKP(B) since 1943, was born in Krasnodar region, stanitsa Vasurinskaya. For five battle flights on destruction of the opponent he was awarded with an order of the Red Star. Seeing into account battle experience of the pilot Fedirko, headquarters of the division put him forward on the post of the commander of the link. By that time Grigoriy Akimovich had already more than thirty battle flights. He was submitted to an order of the Battle Red Banner, but he couldn't receive it .

On September 30, 2007 in several kilometers from pustoshinskaya village Pizhovo the remains of the pilot younger lieutenant Grigoriy Akimovich Fedirko were lifted. The researches of crew of attack plane IL 2,which considered disappeared without a message more than 60 years, pustoshiskiye seekers from the group "Boundary" made 15 years (look the supplement № 9).

Recently the spoon of the times of the Great Patriotic War was handed to the present director of the museum of Battle and Labour Glory, on which the surname of the owner and place stanitsa Vasurinskaya are scratched. The surname still should be deciphered. It is possible this surname is Mogilin. The spoon was found in the Crimean district, near the village Moldovanovka .It is supposed, that this thing belonged to the soldier infantryman whose native place was Vasurinskaya and was lost in those places.

As a result of my research I have come to the conclusion, that war and occupation laid by heavy burden on the shoulders of our folk and peasants in particular. Many people remained true to the hotly lived native land, though, there were also traitors. I found out some facts what occured in the stanitsa, when it was occupied by enemies, as the life in the period after the occupation was adjusted, the war and today reminds about the contribution of our stanichniki in general business of the victory above the enemy . It showed, that the heroes were no only who was on front fields but also those who survived and worked in the stanitsa. This job tells about those who freed our stanitsa too, about some heroes of this liberation.


It can enable us to honour of the heroes- liberators, to keep memory about them . In the

whole life and feats of our stanichniki is inseparable from the feat of all people of our country, in which vasurintsi have brought their contribution.

The given work has helped me to love more my small Motherland, its historical past , the people, who lived then and also the present generation, because many living nowadays are descendants of those heroes, and all our people who has won happiness to live under the peace sky for us. It has helped me to respect other nations, because, as poet E. Evtushenko wrote, "not loving your nation you won't love other ( не любя свой народ, не полюбишь ничей)"

With what unjust cynicism now we can hear the separate statements of the people, ostensibly vasurintsi did not want to be freed from the conquerors. But it is only the voice of the traitors of our country .

It is a pity that many people simply ignore that fact, that on the territory of our region the machine of death - war has passed. Modern generation simply don't care: whether there was a war, how many human lives it has carried away also what efforts the victory cost for us. Yes. For us. Not simply for our ancestors but for us. As we can see our grandfathers and grandmothers perished, so we could simply wake up in the solar morning, simply smiled, simply breathed clean air today.

And how can we pay back to them for it? I think, that there will be enough to remember those who has given their lives for us, to know that nothing is given easily, to respect those who remembers and knows the heroes of that war. Here is what I want from modern generation. " Remember!

Through the centuries, through the years- remember!

What the price was paid for happiness,

About those who will never come any more - remember!

Do not cry!

In a throat restrain moans, bitter moans!

Memories of fallen be worthy,

Always worthy!”

R. Rozhdestvenskiy

Через века, через года- помните!

Какою ценой завоевано счастье,

О тех, кто уже не придет никогда- помните!

Не плачьте!

В горле сдержите стоны!

Памяти павших будьте достойны,

Вечно достойны!


Further it is possible to continue the job above each item of this theme, because in the revealing of the events of those years can be find other facts. Both as about the life of stanitsa before the occupation, in the military period, and during the occupation as about feats of stanichniki on the fronts of the war. As for me, in consequence, I would like to tell more full, how stanitsa lived and was restored,

when the occupation was taken off.



People of our stanitsa keep memory and great respect to the people , who has freed our stanitsa and won the victory in the Great Patriotic war. They expressed it in the names of the streets such as : the street of the 31-Sooting Division and the street of 40 years of Victory. They also honour those who bought the freedom for our stanitsa in February, 7 and the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

They did it at the meeting in the 7-th of February in this year. The head of the administration of our settlement Ganich S.V. said about the importance of the battles for our stanitsa.

Sklyrov G . K. told that he saw how our solders stand up and ran to attack. They cried “ Hurrah”. It was twice. A lot of them were killed because occupiers sat into trenches and shot from them.

At that meeting E.I. Panasenkova appeared.

Wreath and flowers were put near the monument of the solder- liberator and near eternal firt.
Stanitsa Vasurinskaya



The list of the used literature:

Archives of the museum

"Cossack between Hitler and Stalin crusader against Bolshevism " Pertr Krikunov

" Kuban during the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945 years. The declassified documents. The chronicle of the events.The second book, part 1, under the editorial council V.V. Gorkovenko, V.V. Molchanov, A.A. Alecseeva,etc.

" Vasurinskaya" Sheremetyev. Krasnodar book publishing office 1982

The newspaper " Goryachiy Kluch" on July 24, 2003, ¹ 89 (11176). Article "Better late, than never ".

The newspape of the Pskov area from October 4 2007. Article" They were not twenty five "

The newspaper " RVS" ¹7 (473) 2005 year. Article " They were the participants of the Parade of the Victory "

The newspaper "Tribune" from September 29, 1994. Article " Happy birthday, Vasurinskaya. 200 years "


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