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План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Тема урока: «Моя семья — мое богатство»

Основные задачи: - повторение, обобщение, систематизация знаний по теме;

-отработка употребления в речи временной формы Past Indefinite;

- развитие навыков говорения.

Языковой материал: лексика по темам «Семья», «Профессии».

Оснащение урока: - компьютер;

- мультимедийный проектор;

- магнитофон;

- плакаты со стихами о семье.


  1. Организация класса и речевая зарядка.

Т: Good morning, friends! Seat down, please.

Who is on dirty today?

P: I am on duty today.

Далее идет беседа с дежурным о дате и отсутствующих в классе.

  1. Повторение, обобщение, систематизация знаний по теме.

Т: Today at the lesson we are revising all we know about the family. You know that the year 2008 is declared as a year of a family. So today you will speak about your families and the families of some famous people. But first we remember the members of our families. Look and listen to me. Try to guess who he or she is.

  • She is old. She does not work. She likes cooking and gardening. She loves children very much. The children love her too. Who is she? /granny/

  • She is not old. She goes to work. She also does a lot of housework. She loves children and children love her. Who is she? /mother/

  • He is old. He does not work. He likes to play with children and go for a walk with them. Children love him and he loves them. Who is he? /grandpa/

  • He is not young, but he is not old. He works. He likes to read newspapers and watch TV. He also loves his wife and his children and always helps them. Who is he? /father/

  • She is small. She does not go to school, but she likes to play with her toys. Who is she?/sister/

  • He is young. He goes to school and likes to play football. He loves his mother and father. Who is he? /brother/

Затем на экране появляется следующее задание.семья.jpg

Who’s who in the family?

T: Look at the family tree. Who is who? If you read through the sentences below you should be able to work it out. Write the person’s name under the drawing. To help you, Mark is already given.

  1. Sally’s brother is called Simon.

  2. Emma and Julia are sisters.

  3. Margaret has got a husband Tom.

  4. Simon has got a wife Amanda.

  5. Simon is Mark’s uncle.

  6. Tom and Margaret have got two children — Sally and Simon.

  7. Emma is Mark’s cousin.

  8. Tom’s grandchildren are called Mark, Emma and Julia.

  9. Mark’s parents are called Paul and Sally.

  10. Amanda is Simon’s wife and Mark’s aunt.

После выполнения данного задания на экране появляются надписи под картинками, и учащиеся контролируют правильность выполнения задания.

T: Do you remember what people usually say when they meet each other? Listen to the dialogue and act it out.

Учащиеся слушают магнитофонную запись (задание 24) и инсценируют диалог.

-Hi! How are you?

-Very well. Thanks. How are you?

-I am fine. How are your parents?

-Fine. What about yours?

-They are fine too.

T: And now make up a dialogue of your own. Replace the word parents by any other word connecting with our topic.

Учащиеся составляют свои диалоги, используя слова mother, father, sister, brother и т.д.
T: Different people have different professions. Let’s remember not only the members of our families but also their professions. Our class is divided into A and B groups. Each group gets an incomplete crossword. You have to take it in turns to ask for a word that is missing from your crossword. You simple ask: What’s 3 down? What’s 11 across? etc. The other group tries to give a clear definition to help you guess the word. So by asking for and giving definitions, you try to fill in the missing words.

Учащиеся разгадывают следующий кроссворд:

кроссворд copy.jpg

ACROSS: 2-dentist, 5-actor, 6-mother, 8-friend, 11-nurse, 12-girl, 13-baby, 15-student, 16- brother, 17-busdriver.

DOWN: 1-waiter, 2-doctor, 3-neighbour, 4-parents, 7-hairdresser, 9-husband, 10-teacher, 14-boss.

После выполнения данного задания на экране появляется заполненный кроссворд, и учащиеся контролируют правильность выполнения задания.

T: I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest! Who wants to come up to the blackboard and do exercises?

Один из учащихся выходит к доске и проводит зарядку.

Stand up! Hands up! Hands down!

Hands on hips! Sit down!

Stand up! Hands up! Hands to the sides!

Bend left! Bend right!

1, 2, 3 – hop!

1, 2, 3 – stop! Take your seats.


  1. Отработка употребления в речи временной формы Past Indefinite.

T: And now we remember the English grammar. Our topic is The Past Indefinite Tense. First we work with two forms of regular and irregular verbs. Open your exercise-books.

Следующие упражнения выполняются учащимися в тетрадях. 3-4 ученика работают у доски. На экране – схема образования данного времени английского глагола.

Name the second form:

•         Be                …                  

•         Go               …                    

•         Make              …                   

•         Work            …                   

•         Take            …                   

Name the first form:

•         …               became             

•         …               fought                  

•         …               had   

•         …               lived          

•         …               wrote             

Name the missing form:

•         Get           …                  

•           …               did                  

 •          …            begin   

•         Study               …             

•         Win                  …                  

T: And now complete the sentences using Past Indefinite.

Учащиеся получают на листах короткие тексты, в которых ставят глаголы в нужной форме.

Alan Alexander Milne (be) born in London. He (write) a lot of poems for his son and about him. Some of the poems (become) very popular songs. In 1926 he (publish) his book which (be) very famous.

Mark Twain (live) in the state Missouri on the banks of the Mississippi. He (begin) to work at the age of 12. He (become) famous in 1865. Mark Twain (be) a short story writer and the greatest American humorist.

Agatha Christie (not go) to school and (get) her education at home. She (take) part in the war of 1914. She (begin) to write detective stories in 1920 and (become) famous in 1926. Agatha Christie (write) 68 novels and more than a hundred stories.

T: Have you finished? Then read the texts! And now look at the screen to check up if you are right. Correct the mistakes.

Учащиеся, глядя на экран, проверяют правильность выполнения работы.

  1. Развитие навыков говорения.

T: And now let’s check up your homework. At home you had to prepare your stories about your own families and some famous people. So which of you is ready?

Учащиеся делают сообщения о своих семьях, а затем они рассказывают о Михаиле Ломоносове, Юрии Гагарине, Уильяме Шекспире и Джордже Вашингтоне. Все рассказы сопровождаются картинками и фотографиями на экране.

  1. Итог урока и домашнее задание.

T: I am pleased with your work at the lesson and I’d like to thank you for it. I give excellent marks to …, good – to …, etc. At home you should fill in this crossword the second forms of the following verbs and make sentences on the topic “Family” with them.

And now our lesson is over. See you later. Good bye!


Mother is busy

From morning till night

Keeping her family

Happy and bright.

Father, mother, sister, brother

Hand in hand with one another.

I love mother, she loves me. I love sister, she loves me.

He loves daddy, yes siree; We love brother, yes siree;

He loves us and so you see, He loves us and so you see,

We are a happy family. We are a happy family.

Mother is the dearest Father is the kindest

Of all the friends I know. Of all the friends I know.

She helps me work and helps me play He likes to take me out with him.

That’s why I love her so. That’s why I love him so.

Who said « Goodnight» when I was a child? My mother.

Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay and showed me often how to play? My mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell and who could funny stories tell? My mother.

Who sits at my head when I am in bed? My mother.

Who is so nice, who is so kind, another so dear you’ll never find? My mother.


Группа А объясняет группе В

2 Down: doctor — when you are ill, you go to the...

7 Down: hairdresser — when you want to cut you hair, you go to the...

8 Across: friend — it is a person who always helps you and usually is your classmate.

10 Down: teacher — it is a person who works at school.

11 Across: nurse — it is a person who works at the hospital and helps doctors.

12 Across: girl — I am a boy and she is a...

13 Across: baby — it is a little child who often cries.

14 Down: boss — it is the main person in the factory or in the office.

16 Across: brother — he is a sin of my mother.


Группа В объясняет группе А

1 Down: waiter — it is a person who works at a restaurant and brings you a menu.

2 Across: dentist — when you have a toothache, you go to the...

3 Down: neighbour — it is a person who lives next door.

4 Down: parents — my mother and my father are my...

5 Across: actor — it is a person who performs on the stage.

6 Across: mother — she is my father's wife.

9 Down: husband — I have got a mother. My father is her...

15 Across: student — it is a person who studies at university.

17 Across: bus driver — it is a person who drives a bus.

Complete the sentences using Past Indefinite.

Alan Alexander Milne (be) born in London. He (write) a lot of poems for his son and about him. Some of the poems (become) very popular songs. In 1926 he (publish) his book which (be) very famous.

Mark Twain (live) in the state Missouri on the banks of the Mississippi. He (begin) to work at the age of 12. He (become) famous in 1865. Mark Twain (be) a short story writer and the greatest American humorist.

Agatha Christie (not go) to school and (get) her education at home. She (take) part in the war of 1914. She (begin) to write detective stories in 1920 and (become) famous in 1926. Agatha Christie (write) 68 novels and more than a hundred stories.

Complete the sentences using Past Indefinite.

Alan Alexander Milne (be) born in London. He (write) a lot of poems for his son and about him. Some of the poems (become) very popular songs. In 1926 he (publish) his book which (be) very famous.

Mark Twain (live) in the state Missouri on the banks of the Mississippi. He (begin) to work at the age of 12. He (become) famous in 1865. Mark Twain (be) a short story writer and the greatest American humorist.

Agatha Christie (not go) to school and (get) her education at home. She (take) part in the war of 1914. She (begin) to write detective stories in 1920 and (become) famous in 1926. Agatha Christie (write) 68 novels and more than a hundred stories.

Complete the sentences using Past Indefinite.

Alan Alexander Milne (be) born in London. He (write) a lot of poems for his son and about him. Some of the poems (become) very popular songs. In 1926 he (publish) his book which (be) very famous.

Mark Twain (live) in the state Missouri on the banks of the Mississippi. He (begin) to work at the age of 12. He (become) famous in 1865. Mark Twain (be) a short story writer and the greatest American humorist.

Agatha Christie (not go) to school and (get) her education at home. She (take) part in the war of 1914. She (begin) to write detective stories in 1920 and (become) famous in 1926. Agatha Christie (write) 68 novels and more than a hundred stories.

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку (5 класс) Тема урока: «Моя семья мое богатство» Основные задачи: повторение, обобщение, систематизация знаний по теме

После выполнения данного задания на экране появляются надписи под картинками, и учащиеся контролируют правильность выполнения задания


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