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УМК: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа и др. «Английский язык»

Раздел 4 “How Do You Treat the Earth?”

Урок 6 “Have You Ever Been to a National Park?”

Тип урока: урок формирования навыков чтения

Цель урока: формировать навыки поискового чтения в рамках темы «Проблемы окружающей среды»

Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование произносительных и лексико-грамматических навыков

Познавательная цель: знакомство с историей создания крупнейших заповедников США и Британии, их целями и ролью в жизни; возможность познакомить иностранных друзей СС самыми известными заповедниками России, в том числе заповедником «Галичья Гора».

Развивающая цель: развитие речемыслительных функций (анализ, сопоставление,

комбинирование, отбор информации), памяти, внимания

Воспитательная цель: воспитание ценностного отношения к природе, бережливости,

гордости за природу своей страны

Речевой материал: грамматическая конструкция «пассивный залог» в простом настоящем времени, лексика по теме «Проблемы окружающей среды»

Оснащение: учебник, презентация Power Point, мультимедийная установка, рабочие карты для каждого ученика.
Ход урока:

  1. Phonetic work.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Last time we tried to answer the question ‘Who is in charge of the planet?” At home you were to think it over and come out with your answers. Let’s revise what variants we discussed. (чтение расширяющихся синтагм)

  • Children? Are children in charge? Are children in charge of the planet?

  • Specialists Are specialists in charge? Are specialists in charge of the planet?

  • Green organizations? Are green organizations in charge? Are green organizations in charge of the planet?

Now you are welcome with your ideas.

  1. Introduction.

Teacher: I can quite agree that specialists, green organizations and even children are responsible for our planet. In many countries governments and local authorities also take the responsibility and protect nature. There are special places protected by law. Today we are going to learn as much as possible about such places and after that we’ll have an international conference where representatives from different countries will meet and share their ideas. You are going to play their parts so please be careful today.
Slide 1
Teacher: Read the names you can see on the screen.

Pupils: Yellowstone, the Everglades, the Lake District, the Grand Canyon, Galychya Gora.

Teacher: What is special about these places?

Pupils: They are special territories, they are protected by law.

Slide 2

Teacher: Right, all of them are national parks in different countries. How do national parks and other protected territories differ from other forests, fields, lakes, mountains, etc.? Read the information on the screen, put the sentences in order and find the answer to the question.

They have unique or rare plants and animals

National parks are protected by law from hunting and business activities.

They are famous for their beautiful nature.

There are national parks in many countries.

There are national parks in many countries.

They are famous for their beautiful nature.

They have unique or rare plants and animals

National parks are protected by law from hunting and business activities.

Pupils: National parks have unique or rare plants and animals, they are protected by law from hunting and business activities.

Slide 3

Teacher: Now that we know what a national park is, we must find out what they are for. I would like you to read the information in Text 1 on page 87 in your textbooks. Be ready to read out the aims of national parks.

Pupils: The first aim is to protect the countryside; the second aim is to allow people to enjoy the countryside.

Teacher: OK, now compare your variant with the one on the screen: is it the same?

Pupils: Yes, it is.

Slide 4

Teacher: National parks started to appear not so very long ago. Read Text 1 again and say which was the first national park in the world.

Pupils: It was Yellowstone National Park in the USA.

Teacher: Right. Let’s learn more about this park and complete the story about it with the words from Text 1.


The first country in starting up national parks was _________ (the USA).

Yellowstone National Park was founded in ______ (1872). It is in the Rocky Mountains, Wyoming.

It is famous for its geysers and hot springs. There are more than 3,000 of them.

Teacher: you are absolutely right about the first two gaps. To complete the last gap use the information from your worksheets.


It also has ______ (waterfalls, wild animals such as wolves, grizzly bears, buffalos).

Slide 5

Teacher: Now imagine you are a representative of Yellowstone National Park . What can you tell people from other countries about it? Use the key words from your cards.


-was founded

-geysers and hot springs (гейзеры и горячие источники)


-wild animals:

-wolves, grizzly bears, buffalos (бизоны)
Pupils: Yellowstone National Park is in Wyoming, USA. It was founded in 1872. It has unique geysers, hot springs, waterfalls. It protects wild animals such as wolves, grizzly bears, buffalos.

Slide 6

Teacher: Thank you for your story. Another national park is in Florida. Find its name in Text 2 in the textbook (p. 88).

Pupils: It is The Everglades.

Teacher: The Everglades is one of the most interesting places. Listen to the music and say what kind of place you imagine. (звучит одна из композиций с диска «Романтические звуки природы: «Болотистые равнины Флориды»)

Pupils: I imagine a warm place, it is close to water, there are a lot of exotic birds there

Teacher: now let’s complete the story and learn what kind of place The Everglades is.
Another national park in the USA is in Florida. It is _________ (The Everglades).

The territory is protected because it has unique ecology.

It’s home to _______ (water birds, snakes, alligators, fish, cypress trees).

Some time ago ______ (birds) and ______ (alligators) were in danger.

Today they are cared for.

Millions of _____ (naturalists) and ____ (tourists) visit the park every year.

Slides 7,8

Teacher: You see that The Everglades is a really popular place. What can you say about it using the key words?

-unique ecology (уникальный)

-swamps and marshlands (топи и болота)

-alligators, wild birds

-in danger


Pupils: The Everglades National Park is in Florida, USA. It has unique ecology. You can see swamps and marshlands there. Some time ago alligators, wild birds were in danger. Now they are protected.
Slide 9

Teacher: There are national parks in Britain too. How many parks are there today? Look at the map and count them.

Pupils: There are 11 national parks.

Teacher: you are right. Most of the parks are in England and Wales, some are in Scotland. How big is the land area they cover? Find the answer in the Textbook (Text 1)

Pupils: 9%.

Teacher: Which of them was the first national park? When was it founded?

Pupils: The Lake District was founded in 1949.
Slide 10
Teacher: Complete the story using the information from the textbook (Text 3)
The Lake District is in ________ (England).

It has _______ (the longest lake) and ________ (the highest mountain).

The place became popular as the birthplace of two famous English poets: _______

( Wordsworth) and ______ (Coleridge).

Today people enjoy _______( fishing) and ______( boating) in one of the most beautiful an quiet places in Britain.

Slide 11, 12

Teacher: Now you have a chance to look at the pictures of the Lake District and speak about it.

Pupils: The Lake District is in the north-west of England. It has the longest lake and the highest mountain in England. The place became popular as the birthplace of two famous English poets: Wordsworth and Coleridge. Today people enjoy fishing and boating in one of the most beautiful and quiet places in Britain.

Slide 13,14

Teacher: We have some wonderful places in Russia too. One of them is in Lipetsk Oblast. It is the nature reserve “Galichya Gora”. What is it famous for? Use the pictures on the screen and the key words.

-The 25 of April 1925

-231 hectares on the banks of the river Don

-more than 12,000 kinds of plants and animals

-40 kinds are rare or extinct (редкие и исчезающие виды)

-A collection of insects (насекомые)

-A breeding centre for hawks and falcons (центр разведения ястребов и соколов)

-A research centre (научный центр)

Pupils: The nature reserve “Galichya Gora” was founded on the 25 of April 1925. Its territory is more than 231 hectares on the banks of the river Don . It protects more than 12,000 kinds of plants and animals and 40 kinds of them are rare or extinct. It has a collection of insects. It is also a breeding centre for hawks and falcons and a research centre.

Teacher: I’m really grateful to you for your answers today. I hope the information you learnt today will be useful to you. Next time we are going to have a conference for the representatives of different national parks. Some of you will have to represent Russia: be ready to speak about different national parks in Russia. Ex. 3 on p.89 will help you.

Приложение 1: worksheet


-was founded

-geysers and hot springs

(гейзеры и горячие источники)


-wild animals:

-wolves, grizzly bears,

buffalos (бизоны)


-unique ecology


-swamps an marshlands

(топи и болота)

-alligators, wild birds

-in danger

-in the north-west

of England

-the longest river,

the highest mountain

-the birthplace of two

famous poets

-popular with people

-fishing, boating, walking,

-The 25 of April 1925

-231 hectares

-More than 12,000 kinds

of plants and animals

-40 kinds are rare or extinct

(редкие и исчезающие виды)

-A collection of insects


-A breeding centre

for hawks and falcons

(центр разведения ястребов и соколов)

-A research centre

(научный центр)

Урок 6 "Have You Ever Been to a National Park?" Тип урока : урок формирования навыков чтения

Цель урока: формировать навыки поискового чтения в рамках темы «Проблемы окружающей среды»


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Оценка педагогической ситуации: дети владеют навыками табличного умножения и деления, учителем подготовлена презентация, технически урок оснащен


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